How to Heal the Mind-Body
The body-mind is energy. Energy is not solid, nor is it fixed or still. Energy is change. Energy is also changeable. Energy can also appear to be 'solid and fixed' to a mind that is solid and fixed; a mind limited by ignorant beliefs.
It is time to move beyond ignorance and into a greater understanding of life.
Make a choice right now: dis-ease...or health? Now, what happened within your mind when you made that choice? Did you receive doubt back from your mind? Resistance? Inspiration? What just happened in your mind? Continue reading...
Procedure of Healing
Awareness 1: Be open to the possibility of the possible.
Awareness 2: Realize that you did not make the body; birth the body; grow the body; sustain the body. All you do is witness the body's processes and cater to it's needs. You do not control breath, you can only affect the breath. You do not create hunger or thirst, you notice hunger and thirst, and if it is available, you do the body's bidding and feed it. You do not control elimination, you follow the body's order to urinate and defecate when it tells you it's time. You have nothing to do with the body's chemical or systematic processes. The Innate Intelligence that made the body, takes care of the body. The mind is similar: you do not create thought, you witness it. You do not create feeling, you witness it. You witness cause and effect. Yes, you may alter them, but you do not know from where they came and to where they go. In short, you know very little about very little. This is a good place to start: the Unknown.
Awareness 3: Be open to the possibility that those in the health sciences do not know everything, yet. They are limited to what they can measure and see with their equipment and knowledge. This is not a negative, it is simply a limitation when you are trained to see reality as less intelligent than you, and so, can not believe that through the appearance of one reality is another. This unintentional hubris is because we are unaware that the Unknown is far more powerful than the Known. The Unknown holds possibility. The Known is...well...known: it is already decided. Healing is a journey into the Unknown.
Awareness 4: It just takes a leap of faith and honest practice. Healing is an ability, it is not a special power bestowed on those deemed worthy. Let go of that dogma. It will make perfect sense to you as you read on and begin to train. Learn to let the body do the work it is quite capable of doing when you get out of the way.
Awareness 5: The body-mind has been bent out of shape by dysfunctional belief systems and ignorance. It has been 'molded' to meet the thought process it is influence by. The body is vulnerable to the mind. As it is said: MIND OVER MATTER.
Awareness 6: Throw out the word 'healing'...let go of the 'mystical'...and change 'miracle' to natural. Healing is natural. Life being able to maintain homeostasis is: NATURAL. What is not natural is the mind believing otherwise.
Neutrality Practice and Training
Step 1: Find a place where you are not going to be bothered. This isn't a sitting contest, but do make yourself comfortable, because it is time to get to work and mastery requires practice. Sit up. If you are bedridden you have no choice. The only caveat with lying down is sleep. Be sure not to let yourself drift off into the dream state or into unconsciousness. Remain softly awake and aware. If you need to get up for a moment, then get up to energize your body. If you fall asleep, so be it, start again when you wake up :)
Step 2: Put your awareness on the in-out breath at the nose. Let the breath be how it is. Do not interfere with it. If it is long, notice it long...if it is short, notice it short; allow the breath to be how it is. The breath will take YOU where you need to be, not the other way around. You are being led so give up control and allow. Let go of intention. Let go of effort. It is absolutely necessary that you do nothing, but be with the breath as it is. If you are falling asleep you may breath in strongly to oxygenate the body and then go back to observing normal breathing.
Step 3: If your awareness wanders off into thought, feeling, image, or memory, bring it back on the breath. A thousand times this might happen, but, bring your awareness back on the breath at the nose. It does not matter what rises up, what falls away. Be with the breath as you witness the mind losing 'personal interest' in following and attaching to the mental and physical phenomena.
Step 4: When the mind is calm bring your awareness into the calmness itself; just like you did the breath. Let the calmness deepen...let the calmness take you into itself. From here, you will arrive at Neutrality: The Equanimous Mind. It is a mind that sees what there is to see without interference. ALLOW. Allow your awareness to deepen into neutrality. When you are neutral to the rising and falling of all mental and bodily phenomena you will be lead into the embodiment of the Impersonal Self, where there is no judgment, no interference with the living moment: just pure observation into What Is.
Step 5: Continue to reside in, and embody, the Impersonal Self, witnessing the story of the Personal Self dissolve. Keep allowing all body-mind phenomena to move out in front of you. Insight and wisdom will then arise on their own to fill into the space that was occupied by the intellect (the gathered knowing) of the Personal Self.
Thought, feeling, image, memory, and fabrication (imagining things that are not happening in the NOW: story telling) are bound to arise throughout your training and practice. This is natural. Simply let them be as they are. They will rise, linger, fade, and diminish. Observe them, do not be absorbed into them. Remain neutral, allowing, soft, focused, aware, awake. Neutrality, Neutrality, Neutrality. Let the reactive mind you have lived under pass out before you. See it as other.
Having cultivated the neutral space via the Impersonal Self you are now ready to view dis-ease. Healing work is impersonal work.
Step 1: See what is there. In order to heal, we must first accept, without judgment, What Is, in whatever condition it is presently being revealed to us. Your intention to change it will not work until you first acknowledge it's current state. Otherwise, you offer up only resistance, manipulation, and the energy of 'wanting'. What you resist, will persist, giving it a reason to exist. Only in neutrality can we RESET the dis-eased state and heal the body-mind. Judgement is interference, and will make your healing work dull and ineffective. Wanting will only bring you more wanting. Wanting is reactive, it is not proactive.
Think of yourself or someone else who has just experienced a trauma. If you do not allow whatever emotion is being displayed, if you do not give yourself, or someone else, the space to be, to experience, to release, it will only compound the suffering. However...if one remains in the STRESS STATE for too long, splashing around in the puddle, the body will begin to be affected. Short-period stress is very natural...long-period stress is a recipe for dis-ease.
Step 2: You have meditated. You are Neutral. There is no faking this. You will know when you are Neutral for it has a certain tone, or feeling landscape, that is so vastly different than judgment it will be unmistakable. Now, bring your awareness to the dis-ease in your body-mind you wish to work on. Witness it. Observe whatever comes up from your awareness. You have brought a new variable to the dis-ease process: neutrality. You have brought an awareness and presence that is NOT PART of the dis-eased state. You have created a ripple.
Neutrality does not have a story attached to it. It has nothing to do with the personal-self and its stories about what it thinks it is (race, creed, culture, gender, story, etc.). Awareness from the neutral space has power. This is the place of witnessing that can create change, purposefully, because it is beyond what is considered to be 'good' and 'bad' by the personal self. It is unmolested by negativity and doubt. Neutrality is the RESET STAGE for the Unknown to change the Known.
Step 3: The dis-ease state holds the story of suffering. It holds the memory of the circumstance; people; thoughts; emotions; and judgments the body-mind went through. The dis-eased state is a REACTIVE MIND. It recreates its state over and over again in the subconscious, which is not dormant. It is very much active. When you bring neutrality into the mix it is like a light in the dark. Everything turns to look at the new person who enters the room. You have instantly disrupted the dis-eased state.
Step 4: Allow memory, feeling, thought, image, story, associated with the dis-eased state to arise. The instant you watch them, and do not participate in them as you have always done through the Personal Self, you are changing the dis-ease matrix. Without your old participation...the rules of the game change.
Step 5: Hold space. Be there. Allow the dis-eased state to be purged with your neutrality. Let it empty out. Do nothing. Let the dis-eased state become active as its energy rises, lingers, fades, and is diminished.
Step 6: When you 'feel' or 'sense' the quality, or shape, or tone, of the dis-ease change, you know you are affecting it. All you have done is come in contact with it from a different state of mind than the dis-eased state is in. That contrast between neutrality and judgment has caused a reaction. The dis-eased state will activate itself through the mental-physical-emotional-response-mechanism. BUT, because you have cultivated neutrality, you will be able to watch this process, rather than unconsciously say 'Yes' to it. You will be awake, not asleep, or unconscious, as you usually are. You will not go along with the thoughts, feelings, bodily processes associated with the dis-eased mind, and thus, not fortify it. The energy of the dis-eased state will discharge, weaken, and diminish. Because the dis-eased state is not being fed, the Neutral Mind will begin to replace the Reactive Mind. The Reactive Mind (or dis-eased mind that has caused harm to the body) will perish. All, because it is not being fed. You are changing the dis-eased matrix through non-participation.
What you feed grows. Stop feeding your habits. Stop fortifying the grooves of the Reactive Mind making it harder to break free.
Step 7: When the Reactive/Dis-eased Mind is neutralized, and you can witness the rising and falling of thought; feeling; memory; image; story-telling; without feeding the Reactive Mind, you are ready to visually/holographically return health to the body...if it hasn't happened already. Holographic Visualization must be an uninterrupted, perfect image of the body part you wish to heal–with absolutely no interference of doubt or mental blurriness. You simply find a picture of the healthy body part (if you don't have a clear picture of it in your mind already) and memorize it. Then, SEE it in your body in place of the dis-eased one (or, you can simply visualize the absence of the dis-ease in your body). Rebuild the body through the mind. Mind affects matter. Accept nothing, but a healthy image. See the body part working and thriving in full health...over and over...several times a day...until health manifests.
The dis-eased body part has the reactive mind over it. The reactive mind has covered it in dysfunctional thoughts; feelings; memory; imagery; and personal story that is breaking it down. So, change it. You have the tools now. You have the power. Be purposeful in the highest, most confident, loving powerful way. Visualization is not always necessary. In the absence of the dis-eased state of mind, is health. It may be enough to just pass beyond limitation, and the reactive mind, through the prescribed meditation above. But, if the body part has not healed, begin to visualize.
Summary: Healing Through Non-interference.
1. Sit and watch the in-out breath at the nose.
2. Let the watching of the breath lead you into calmness.
3. Let the watching of the calmness lead you into neutrality.
4. If any mental or physical phenomena arise (pain, thought, memory, emotion, story, image) be neutral to it. Let it show you the Law of Nature: Impermanence. What rises, lingers, fades, and falls away. Let the nature of things do the work.
5. Let the watching of the neutrality lead you into the Impersonal Self (the Self that is in the world, not of it, or bound to it).
6. Bring your awareness to the dis-eased state in the body.
7. Notice the quality of the dis-eased state without interfering with it.
8. If any mental or physical phenomena arise (pain; thought; memory; emotion; story; image) be neutral to it. Let it show you the Law of Nature: Impermanence. What rises, lingers, fades, and falls away. Let it move out in front of you and pass on.
9. The dis-eased state has a cause and effect. It was born of thought, belief, and behavior and continues to maintain it's reality because of your participation in its thought-belief-behavior matrix.
10. Watch it and see its components (thought-belief-behavior) react under the observation of the Impersonal Self, the State of Neutrality.
11. Wait for a sense of change.
12. When you have disrupted the dis-ease state's process, when you have disrupted the reactive mind by triggering its phenomena through Neutral Observation, the dis-ease state may vanish altogether. If not, you may begin creating the healthy body part through holographic visualization.
13. Visualize the perfect body part. You must be able to hold this healthy body part and visualize its health without any interruption from the Reactive Mind. Practice this until it is crystal clear. Disruption means the dis-eased state is still active.
14. Do these steps until the body-mind is released from the Reactive Mind and heals.
15. Observe the body-mind as if it were someone else. This quickens neutrality.
Healing is understanding. Healing the flesh is wonderful and shocking and inspiring, but liberating Self from the corrupted behavioral patterns created by the Reactive Mind will resonate through the universe for all. You will become a light.
Let's look out for each other :)